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Rice Canyon Demonstration Gardens                  

A visit to dog-friendly Rice Canyon Demonstration Gardens, located in Chula Vista, CA. Situated at the mouth of Rice Canyon Preserve, walk through this beautiful area and admire colorful, unique plants, cacti, and a succulent garden. There are short trails and seating to enjoy a picnic. Fido should be leashed to preserve plant life and landscaping, but owners should also be mindful of snakes in this area. A visit to dog-friendly Rice Canyon Demonstration Gardens, located in Chula Vista, CA. Situated at the mouth of Rice Canyon Preserve, walk through this beautiful area and admire colorful, unique plants, cacti, and a succulent garden. There are short trails and seating to enjoy a picnic. Fido should be leashed to preserve plant life and landscaping, but owners should also be mindful of snakes in this area.


Aloe Tomentsa 

This solitary aloe has thick gray-green leaves with wide teeth at the margins; it forms a single rosette that’s 2 feet in height and 4 feet in width. Its branched inflorescence bears chartreuse flowers thickly tomentose, and they almost appear to be white.

Ferocactus Latispinus

This species of barrel cactus is light green in color with reddish to white spines. If you look close enough, you’ll see that the prominent spine is wide and flat and curved at the end. Ferocactus latispinus can grow 12 inches in height and 16 inches in width; it blooms in the late fall through mid-winter with purple, funnel-shaped flowers that are about 1.5 inches in width.

Agave Filifera

This medium-sized succulent plant forms stemless rosettes up to 2-3 feet in height and 2-3 feet in width.  The leaves are 6-12 inches long with dark green to a bronzish-green color and have stringy white-colored filaments that curl away from the leaf edges.  The flower stalk is up to 11.5 feet tall and is densely loaded with yellowish-green to dark purple flowers up to 2 inches long.  Flowers appear in fall and winter. EZ Chula Vista Junk Removal

Dasylirion Wheeler

Dessert Spoon, in Spanish known as Sotol, is an evergreen succulent that forms a large rosette of blue-gray leaves 3-4 feet long, narrow and serrated along the edges. This long-lived succulent is native to the Chihuahuan desert in Mexico. The rosettes can be 3-5 feet in height and 4-6 feet in width; once mature, these succulent blooms a pole-like flower spike that can reach 10-15 high.


The demonstration garden is at the mouth of Rice Canyon Preserve in Chula Vista, California. There are hiking trails, picnic benches, and beautiful parks of native plants, cactus, and succulents.


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